The Richest “Babalawo/Ifa Priest” With High Fashion-Sense in the world - Babalorisa Paulo Ty Omulu II

Generally people say there is no rich babalawo in the world, they are struggling themselves living in an old ugly shrine and looking unkept, their client looks more wealthy than the babalawos

But they promise good fortune, riches that they themselves do not possess.But in this case, this babalawo is totally different from the rest.

The richest babalawo in the world happens to be a Yoruba fine juju doctor who is known as Babalorisa Paulo Ty Omolu II or his fans call him baba Paulo. This babalawo has swag.

He practice Yoruba traditional and unorthodox medicine methods to give his clients whatever their heart desire is.

Baba Paulo decided to post this pictures where he flaunt his wealthy lifestyle because people believe that babalawos are poor old men who live in ugly shrines in the middle of nowhere especially in a forest or bushes

Baba Paulo is trying to get our minds off that perspective of babalawos being poor

He owns a jet and travels from country to country, owns exclusive designer shoes, phones and a fantastic lifestyle. This babalawo is super cute.

He is married to a beautiful woman and has gorgeous children and spoils them with designers gadgets

I guess his main aim of showing off is to show his clients that he is the real deal, the perfect ever. But to be honest I have never seen a babalawo like him.

I must say this babalawo is sophisticated, wealthy, cute and the dopest of all.

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